Omnipotent help in troubling times.
I release this Blessing to invoke omnipotent forces to be an ever-present help for you in these troubling times. To protect and serve, bring peace to your soul, and prosper you in every way.
So mote it be. And so be it.
Blessing to rise above challenges.
I release this Blessing to carry you through difficulties and rise above challenges. And to cover you with immaculate powers of the Creator to manifest your rewards. So mote it be. And so be it.
Blessing to satisfy heart’s desires.
I release this Blessing to establish your steps in whatever you do and satisfy your heart’s desires. Thus, No circumstances shall control or define you. So mote it be. And so be it.
Bring about results you desire: Daily Blessing.
I release this Blessing to Give you the strength to endure, the power to overcome every circumstance and bring about the results you desire. So mote it be. And so be it.
Build Self-Confidence Spell
Blessing to overtake any obstacles
I release this blessing of victory and success to overtake any type of obstacles you face. So mote it be. And so be it.