Blessing to give peace of mind.

I release this Blessing to calm and give you greater peace of mind. So mote it be. And so be it.

Blessed be you. << END OF BLESSING. ** Nonetheless, please read more on this blessed subject.

Grant calm to give peace of mind blessing.

Don’t do without. Ask & Receive.

Traffic, in transit, and gridlock. These are words that none of us like. And if you live in one of the big cities: like Los Angeles, Dallas, or Atlanta, words like those automatically raise your blood pressure. Yet, traffic can apply to more than cars on the road. Hence I’m also speaking of mental and emotional flows. Consequently, they can create roadblocks that prevent us from reaching peace of mind. Daily frustrations can detour us away from the state of calm.

Nonetheless, our emotional and mental pathways are often filled with obstacles. Anxiety, fear, depression, and stress are just a few potholes that can rattle the nerves. Thus, they crush our sense of calm. Furthermore, they rob all hope of serenity and tranquility. And that can harm your overall well-being.

The check engine light in your brain is flashing. Luckily you just found a full-service station to reset your switch. And keep you from blowing a head gasket. I’m talking about restoring your calm. Accordingly, I transmit this divine power to quiet the noise of anxiety, fear, depression, stress, etc. And issue this blessing to give you peace of mind.

Stop doing without. Remove the yoke of loss, lack and misfortune from your neck.

Don’t let dark forces deceive you. Ask & Receive

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