Blessing to manifest more money.

I release this Blessing to manifest more than enough money to satisfy your needs. So mote it be. And so be it.

Blessed be you. << END OF BLESSING. ** Nonetheless, please read more on this blessed subject.

Manifest more than enough money blessing.

Don’t do without. Ask & Receive.

It’s no sin to be wealthy. In fact, abundance is a gift from God. We live in a material world. Thus money is a must. Yet, the masses find themselves pinching pennies to care for the necessities. And sadly, sometimes, there are not enough pennies to pinch to make ends meet.

Debt is the master thief. It baits its snare with credit. And lures people in with the promise of rewards. It freely loans cash in a flash. Yet by taking that advance, you get caught in the credit trap. The card provider grows richer. Meanwhile, most cardholders shrink into lack or poverty.

Nonetheless, there are numerous ways one can stumble into the fog of financial hardship. Yet, the way out is clear. This divine decree shall lift you out of lack. And if need be, free you from poverty. Furthermore, Whatever your situation is. I invoke God’s blessing of abundance to manifest more than enough money for you to fulfill your needs.


Stop doing without. Remove the yoke of loss, lack and misfortune from your neck.

Don’t let dark forces deceive you. Ask & Receive

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