Believers in the American dream – Beware!

Believers in the American dream

I wrote a narrative about the American dream many years ago. There is a better name for it. Believers in the American dream – Beware! Grade school teachers would call it “busy work” — pointless, time-wasting tasks to keep you from acting up and bothering them.

The American dream: Unavoidable evils of the elitist

Nevertheless, the rat race increased speed for a while, and people were nervously starting to notice. As with many unavoidable evils, the elitist tried to rebrand their frantic busyness as a virtue.

“Busy — so busy, crazy busy” that’s the answer if you wish to live the American dream. If you are poor, it’s because you are not busy enough! I call BullSh*t! Life is too short to be constantly busy. Whoa to the Believers in the American dream.

Nonetheless, A decade later, the elite isn’t trying to sell the American dream as a virtue anymore. The world’s autocracy no longer felt the need to maintain the fiction that anyone can get ahead with hard work. Or maybe they just dropped it thinking we didn’t have a choice.

But covid changed all that. The pandemic was a revolutionary cyclone bomb that dredged a wakeful of long-submerged truths. It turns out that millions of individuals never needed to waste days of their lives sitting in pantomimist work under managerial supervision for eight hours per day.

We discovered that nurses, cashiers, truck drivers, and delivery personnel controlled the globe. The brutal hierarchies of order shifted in favor of labor for the first time in recent memory. And the outraged whines of the ruling class were a pleasure to savor.

Of course, everyone is still busy. Worse than busy, exhausted, and too wiped at the end of the day to do more than stress-eat, binge-watch, and doom scroll. Yet, no one calls it anything other than what it is these days.

Humanity’s well-being and happiness are dying.

And we are all on the endless, frantic hamster wheel for survival. The capitalistic system is demographically terminal and is aware of it. And is acting like a dying billionaire adding sadistic revocations to his will.

Young folks opt not to have kids because they can’t afford them. And because they believe they will grow up in a burned or sodden wasteland. A frequent retirement strategy is assuming civilization will collapse before you would ever be able to cash in on it.

In this genuine dismal future that we currently reside in, the autocracy now thinks they can make everyone work harder. Pay us less and do away with benefits. They are fleecing us from medicine to prisons and charging for fundamental rights and services.

And get mega-rich by doing it.

Capitalism has tremendously expanded wealth generation for the already exceedingly wealthy in recent decades at the negligible expense of most of humanity’s well-being, dignity, and happiness.

Unsurprisingly, so many social movements formed during the quarantine’s forced idleness. A critical function of jobs is to keep you too preoccupied and tired to do anything else. Again, grade school teachers called it “busy work” — pointless, time-wasting tasks to keep you from acting up and bothering them.

Enough with the busy work already. We’ve been “productive” enough — produced way too much. Yet, we have nothing to show for it. And there is too much good that urgently needs to be done, that’s not.

The real American dream.

There is a republic to salvage. A civilization to reimagine and its infrastructure to reinvent. Innumerable species to save and a world to restore. And millions to help, like those who are impoverished, imprisoned, illiterate, sick, or starving.

Yet’ the elitist have the world running in circles doing busy work so they can make another quadrillion bucks. Is the American Dream Dead? Did the American Dream ever live? Nevertheless, no matter what you want to call it. Many people are fed up with the system of things.

Believers in the American dream – Beware, its a trap. and your being set up to fail!

Are you tired of running in this lame rat race called the American dream and getting nowhere except neck deep in debt? If so, I have a must-read for those who want to satisfy real-life needs and wants without bowing down to the ruling class of elitists.

Knowledge is freedom

I will share some sacred knowledge and help you escape the treadmill of life. I will expose hidden truths so that you can become aware of and break free from the unseen shackles preventing you from manifesting the living the life you desire and deserve. Learn the truth here.

Else, go strait to the source and seek divine intervention with these supernatural solutions.

Get out of debt

Attract Favorable Circumstances

Get charges dropped

Hedge of Protection

Learn more about manifesting


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