Blessing to meet your need
Blessing to increase your faith
I release this Blessing to increase your faith to help you walk by faith and not by sight, so you can receive your Blessing that God has released. So mote it be.
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Blessing To Satisfy Your Needs.
This is a powerful Blessing To Satisfy Your Needs. I release this Blessing to cover you with the God of God’s mercy, grace, and favor. Thus, your request may come to pass, and your needs will be satisfied. So mote it be.
Open the doors of opportunity: Daily Blessings.
I release God’s miraculous power to open the doors of opportunity for you. Furthermore, to grant your wish. And bless you financially. So mote it be.
Convert Frets Into Victory: Daily Blessing.
I release this Blessing to quiet your mind to overcome the worries and concerns stealing your peace. And to convert those frantic frets into incredible victories. I invoke the power of the Great Spirit to Convert your Frets Into Victory. So mote it be.
Extra Strength: Jehovah’s Powerful Approbation
I release this Blessing to grant you peace of mind to calm your troubled heart. And to give you the strength and clarity needed to walk the path to obtain your rewards. By Jehovah’s Powerful Approbation, Extra Strength is now yours. So mote it be.