Blessing to remove feelings of Inadequacy.
I release this Blessing to remove feelings of Inadequacy so you can excel in your authenticity. So mote it be. And so be it.
Magical solutions for every need, wish, worry or problem.
I release this Blessing to remove feelings of Inadequacy so you can excel in your authenticity. So mote it be. And so be it.
I release anointed power to reveal your Importance to others and bring meaning to your life, a Blessing of acknowledgment. So mote it be. And so be it.
I release this Blessing to boost your self-esteem & reward you with great success. So mote it be. And so be it.
I release this Sacred Blessing to overcome feelings of ineptitude and restore your Passion. So mote it be. And so be it.
I release this Blessing to relieve remorse so you can live each day without regret. So mote it be. And so be it.