Joy laughter & love: Blessing & Prayer

A Prayer & blessing to brighten your day with joy, laughter, love, and light.
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A Prayer & blessing to brighten your day with joy, laughter, love, and light.

Blessing & Prayer: Joy, laughter, & love

In today’s headlines of catastrophes and mayhem, who couldn’t use some Joy, Laughter, and love. Yet, it appears that good news is farther down the list of topics to discuss, and the subject “Joy” is even further down.

In my day-to-day operations, where EOL is front and center, I urge individuals to tell me, “what gives you joy?” It may take time for a reaction or offer an instant grin and a pleasant story of remembering.

Of course, there is no right or wrong response, but it does allow someone to think about and relate the moments and times that brought them the “joy” feeling. Webster describes ‘joy’ as an emotion Or sensation of enjoyment that arises from achievement, good fortune, or sense of well-being”.

Take a moment to consider what brings you joy or has brought you delight. Have you taken the time to make fun a regular part of your life, or is it a distant memory? Today, be inspired to recall your “joy” in whatever manner it is defined for you.

There is a delight that reaches beyond the bodily sense and helps us to accept what God intended for all humanity spiritually. He wants us to be happy since it is referenced 155 times in the Old Testament and 63 times in the New Testament, according to the NIV edition. This demonstrates that God desires us to have this experience throughout our life.

It is A Necessary Combo

“You will teach me the way of life; in Your presence is fullness of delight; and at Your right hand are eternal joys” (Ps. 16:11). This passage urges us to be directed and linked to God, which will result in fullness and pleasures (good things), which translate to “JOY.”

This “Joy” has both spiritual and bodily advantages. Spiritually, it is not dependent on external conditions but rather provides us with confidence via our connection with God. Thus, it glorifies the Lord, cures the spirit, complements love, and so on.

On the other hand, there are certain bodily advantages to “Joy.” When one feels delighted, it is sometimes accompanied by laughing. The medical field has confirmed what the Bible has always stated. “Laughter is healthy for the soul,” we’ve all heard.

The Bible says, “A cheerful heart is like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones” (Prov. 17:22). This is highly true because sadness/brokenness lowers us, and pleasure raises us.

Blessings of Joy, Laughter, and love

Some of these advantages include the fact that joy, mainly laughing, can:

  • Natural analgesic
  • It improves our adaptability.
  • Improves circulation and increases heart rate
  • The body is oxygenated.
  • Immune system stimulant

Bereaved people frequently believe that “joy” will never return or that they dishonor their loved ones if they experience joy and laughter. They are expected to be sad because they are bereaved.

The good news for us and others is that we can experience sadness while still enjoying “joy” at the exact moment after a life-changing event.

As a result, when we gain the spiritual blessings and physical benefit of pleasure and laughing, we have a win/win situation. May you remember the joy, feel joy, share joy, and reap all of the advantages of joy and laughter that God intended. And let us remember to love.

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Daily prayers and blessings

Intercessory Prayer Service (be overflowing in all things)

Today’s Prayer: Joy laughter & loveRead it